Monday, March 17, 2014

Cannon Scott

Cannon Scott:
Only { 5 0 } days until I get to meet you, little man. 
Words can't express just how anxious I am to meet you and love on your cute little cheeks!
As ridiculous as it may seem, and the possibility of you ever even seeing this is slim to none, I still want to write this letter to you. After all, I'm one of your big sisters and sooner than later you'll realize I'm all about cherishing the bonds you'll soon have with your family. 

So here it goes, Cannon. 

It all started when Mommy and Daddy first said hello...[no, I'm totally kidding I'm not going to start from the very beginning of Mommy and Daddy,  I'll let Mommy tell you their story on how they fell in love!] 
I'm going to jump ahead to the day we found out about you..
Daddy asked me to come home from Denton because everyone in Goldthwaite was missing me. I asked Daddy to keep it a surprise to Kyli, Bubba, and Ma because I always get a kick out of how cute their reactions are when they are surprised. But you see, Cannon, you'll learn that Daddy is pretty good at keeping tricks up his sleeves..and will more times than not, surprise you!
Anyways, we all ended up at Ma's and Pa's house for dinner that night and to watch a movie. 
Nope...not a movie! After some confusion, I realized that the people talking in the movie were Mommy and Daddy and that it wouldn't be just three Karnes kiddos any longer. :)

Well, after waiting for what seemed to be an eternity, we were going to finally figure out your gender..Daddy, Mommy, and big sis Kyli made this and it seriously is the best thing ever! You were born into a very talented family, baby bro!

So our countdown to your arrival is a mere 50 days and it can't come soon enough!
I am stoked because I get to be one of the first ones to see you when Mommy delivers you, WOOHOOO!
Yesterday, I looked at some of your clothes and just stood there in disbelief. 
There's going to be a Cannon Scott Karnes in those clothes soon, Kyli will finally be a big sister, Bubba and I get to be big brother/big sister again, and our family will be complete. 
I guess it's just now REALLY hitting me that you're on your way. 

Here's just a few things I'd like you to know..
because after all, you're going to be apart of this crazy, amazing, supporting, and best family ever. 

[1] Mommy and Daddy are amazing. They will help you through anything and everything, and without a doubt be there for you 110% Of course, keep in mind that they always have your best interests in mind and that more often than not, they will ALWAYS be right. They know best, kiddo so always trust them. 

[2] You'll always be able to count on Bubba to play tricks on you, be willing to play sports with you and teach you how to play video games. (Although, I'm not sure any of the rest of us want you to ;) ) But more importantly, he'll always have your back. He will make you angry one second, then laugh the next..but he truly will be such a wonderful big brother to you, just as he's been to Miss Kyli and just as he's been an amazing little brother to me.

[3] You will be protective over her even though she's older than you. You'll most likely want to tell her to that she has too much makeup, too much clothes, and too many shoes..but I'll just tell you right now..a girl can never have too much of any of the above. You'll probably end up telling her you don't like the boy she'll date at some point and that she needs to stop talking so much about stuff you could care less about. But one things for certain, your big sis Kyli has a heart of gold and you can count on her to cheer you up no matter what. She will be a best friend to you and you'll always be her little brother. 

[4] Even though I'm 20 years older than you, I just want you to know that I won't let that get in the way of an amazing relationship just like I have with our other siblings. I am determined to be there for you in all of the small and monumental moments in your life and to know that whenever you need me, I'll be there. You'll forever be able to count on me to be a shoulder to cry on, someone to vent to, or just go get an adrenaline rush with. I want you to know that your girlfriends will have to be approved by Mommy, Kyli, and I and that we will make sure you are a true gentlemen....always! ;) Most of all, I just want you to know that I'll forever consider you a huge blessing in my life, just as Bubba and Kyli are. I can't wait to watch you grow up, Cannon Scott and I know you will make me one proud big sister. 

Cannon, we love you and can't wait to add you into our cute and silly little photo shoots. :))

You are going to make us even more blessed and so proud!

your big sis, Chelsi

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